Television and quality perception, how the contents have changed with the existence of new media?

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Mario Javier Troya Zuleta


Does television lose the throne of greatest mass media in the face of the Internet age? Mario Javier Troya analyzes the complexity of this technological revolution and shows the alternatives that the industry has and contrasts them with the demands of the "prosumidors". Because the consumer now requires more personalized content, he wants and can program what he wants to see. There is an empowerment of information that television did not know from its origin.
interaction, television, public, content, social networks.,

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How to Cite
Troya Zuleta, M. J. (2018). Television and quality perception, how the contents have changed with the existence of new media?. #PerDebate, 1.
Author Biography

Mario Javier Troya Zuleta, Universidad San Francisco de Quito

Coordinador de Producción de TV y Medios Digitales en la Universidad San Francisco de Quito


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