Presence of abfractions by the absence of right and left canine guidance
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In dental practice the irreversible loss of dental tissue is not limited only to decay or trauma. There are other very common diseases such as non-carious cervical lesions, whose incidence rate in our area is very high, and in turn this problem is addressed in the consultation in a very superficial way so recurrence is growing. Given this premise, the main objective of this the study is to evaluate clinically the presence of abfractions in patients without canine guidance left and right with premature contacts in eccentric lateral movements in a group of 100 patients who came to the Dental Clinic of the Universidad San Francisco de Quito and private clinics in the city of Quito. Clinical examination was performed by using basic tools of intraoral examination, oral mirror, Miller clamp, articulating paper. Patients underwent clinical occlusal analysis to observe the presence of abfractions by absence of canine guidance right and left. A crossing of variables was performed, where it was observed that 96,1 % of patients without canine guidance, presented abfractions in the right side of work and 95,1 % on the left side of respondents and a similar percentage, 89 % had occlusal transfers, on the working side and 91 % on the left side. In addition, it was determined that 96 % of patients experienced dental clenching.
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