Determinación del pH y Contenido Total de Azúcares de Varias Bebidas No Alcohólicas: su Relación con Erosión y Caries Dental

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Hwadam Suh
Estefanía Rodríguez


The aim of the study was to determine the values ​​of pH and total content of sugar in different acidic and sweet drinks, as it relates to the appearance of dental erosion and tooth decay. 23 drinks were used: two (2) waters, five (5) soft drinks, two (2) natural fruit juices, four (4) industrial fruit juices, five (5) energy drinks, two (2) sports drinks, and three (3) industrial teas. These drinks were tested for pH and sugar content chemical-analytically. The pHs were between 2.30 and 3.40, except for distilled water (control group) and Dasani water without gas, 6.54 and 6.23 respectively. The most acidic beverage was Coca-Cola (2.30) and the least acid was the Sprite (3.40), both belonging to the group of soft drinks. The sugar content of most drinks was high, about 25 grams in a ½ liter container. The sweetest drinks were the lemonade and Monster, the energizer with 63 grams in ½ liter distilled water, Dasani water without gas, Coca-Cola Light and Sprite-Zero had 0 grams of sucrose/sugar. The beverage with the lowest pH and highest sugar content was the lemonade. Most beverages analyzed presented a pH level below the critical pH (5.5) to initiate the demineralization of tooth enamel and thus dental erosion, and high level of sugar ​​associated with dental caries.

pH, non-alcoholic beverages, sugar, sucrose, dental erosion, caries,

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How to Cite
Suh, H., & Rodríguez, E. (2017). Determinación del pH y Contenido Total de Azúcares de Varias Bebidas No Alcohólicas: su Relación con Erosión y Caries Dental. OdontoInvestigación, 3(1).
Author Biographies

Hwadam Suh, Universidad San Francisco de Quito

Universidad San Francisco de Quito, Colegio de Ciencias de la Salud, Escuela de Odontología, Clínica Odontológica, Campus Cumbayá, oficina CO 106, casilla postal 17-1200-841. Quito-Ecuador.

Estefanía Rodríguez, Universidad San Francisco de Quito

Universidad San Francisco de Quito, Colegio de Ciencias de la Salud, Escuela de Odontología, Clínica Odontológica, Campus Cumbayá, oficina CO 106, casilla postal 17-1200-841. Quito-Ecuador.


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