Evaluación de la eficacia del ascorbato de sodio en diferentes concentraciones y tiempos en tratamientos adhesivos sobre esmalte de dientes aclarados. Análisis in vitro mediante pruebas de cizallamiento
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Studies have reported that adhesive restorations after dental bleaching suffer a significant loss of resistance to the forces produced in chewing. For this reason, literature recommends a waiting period of 15 days. Therefore, the purpose of this study were to evaluate the effectiveness of sodium ascorbate as an agent that reduces the waiting time of adhesive procedures after bleaching. 103 Bovine teeth were used, to those were sectioned clinical crown and were placed in acrylic blocks. The specimens were divided into 5 groups which and were submitted to bleaching with hydrogen peroxide 40% in two applications of 20 minutes each and one positive control group where it was not applied any bleaching. Group No. 1: were treated with sodium ascorbate 10% for 10 minutes. Group No. 2: were treated with sodium ascorbate 10% for 5 minutes. Group No. 3: were treated with sodium ascorbate 5% for 10 minutes. Group No. 4: were treated with sodium ascorbate 5% for 5 minutes. And finally, one negative control group where after the bleaching without the use of ascorbate, the adhesive system was applied. Specimens were submitted to shear testing. The results were subjected to ANOVA analysis and reported that the groups undergoing bleaching had reduced adhesion strength relative to the positive control group, despite the used of the ascorbate.
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