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Javier Andrés López Espinoza


The success of endodontic treatment will depend on the cleanliness and conformation of the root canal system.
In clinical practice, the use of irrigants provides chemical disinfection of root canals and removal of the smear
trapped inside the canal thanks to the efficient action of chelating solutions. The purpose of this study
was to calculate the efficacy of removing the smear layer in the apical third, with the use of 17% EDTA
and 10% citric acid activated with different devices and techniques such as passive ultrasonic irrigation
(PUI) and EDDY tips (ED). Forty-five premolar teeth were randomly divided into five groups: 4 experimental
groups (n=10) and 1 control group (n=5). In each root, two longitudinal grooves were prepared in the buccal
and lingual, which were covered with gold for observation under the scanning electron microscope to thus
quantify the open dentinal tubules. For the statistical analysis, the Shapiro-Wilk, Kruskal-Wallis test and
a multiple comparison with U Mann-Whitney were used, which showed that the activation with EDDY has had
the lowest scores of the experiment with a difference of 8 points with respect to PUI with EDTA at 17% and
a difference with PUI of 13 points with citric acid at 10% in the apical third. However, none of the
experimental groups was able to remove the entire dentin smear layer in the apical third, but they did
present significant differences with respect to the control group, so the use of chelating solutions and an
activation system is recommended to better obtain cleaning index and ensure a successful root canal treatment.

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How to Cite
López Espinoza, J. A. (2022). Español. OdontoInvestigación, 8(1).


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