Management of Sequelae of Mandibular Dentoalveolar Trauma with Osteogenic Distraction and Osteointegrated Dental Implants

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jorge alberto leon batallas


Objective: The aim of this case series study was to evaluate the bone resorption in the peri implant area in dental implants placed in the mandibular alveolar bone subjected to osteogenic distraction after sequela of dentoalveolar trauma, its success rate, failure and survival.

Materials and Methods: There were a total of 7 osseointegrated dental implants in alveolar mandibular crests already performed by osteogenic distraction, where the degree of bone reabsorption peri implanted under 2 times was assessed with radiographic image (panoramic Rx). The first time during the placement of the dental implants and their prosthetic load at 3 months and a second time at the control of 1 year.

Results: In a follow-up period of 3 months, both patients presented osseointegration of the implants with a 100% survival rate. In the radiographic controls of the 2 phases of the patients. In the Phase I control of 3 months (dental implants and prosthetic load), changes in the bony crest in the vertical direction were observed in the 7 implants with an average osseous resorption of 0.17 mm. In the Phase II control of 1 year (1-year prosthetic load), greater differences were observed in the bone regeneration of the 7 implants with an average peri implant bone loss of 0.65 mm.

Conclusions: The placement of osseointegrated dental implants in alveolar crests previously with mandibular alveolar osteogenic distraction is a viable treatment, with a peri-annual reabsorption degree of 0.65 mm similar average, evidenced in other studies, both in DOA, native alveolar crests or with bone grafts.

Key words: Alveolar osteogenic distraction, dental implants, jaw, period of distraction, period of consolidation, prosthetic load, alveolar crests, bone resorption.

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How to Cite
leon batallas, jorge alberto. (2019). Management of Sequelae of Mandibular Dentoalveolar Trauma with Osteogenic Distraction and Osteointegrated Dental Implants. OdontoInvestigación, 5(2).