Reporte de 5 casos clínicos ; Queilitis glandular

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Viviana Alexandra Garzon Rivas



The goal of this study was to describe the classification, etiology, histological, clinical and epidemiological aspects of glandular cheilitis, exposing 5 clinical cases of the Garzón Dermatological Center, where 5 patients have responded to glandular cheilitis. Glandular cheilitis (GK), is a clinical pathology of unknown cause with greater frequency in men, which presents macrokelia associated with elimination of thick saliva from the minor salivary glands that are edematous and ectatic. There are three types of QG, simple, superficial suppurative and deep suppurative. The treatment consists of systemic antibiotics, corticosteroids, antihistamines and sunscreen, and in more severe cases a bermellectomy.


Keywords: Glandular cheilitis, lips, salivary glands, pathology


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How to Cite
Garzon Rivas, V. A. (2020). Reporte de 5 casos clínicos ; Queilitis glandular. OdontoInvestigación, 5(2).